Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Cup Runneth Over

What an amazing six weeks. Arguably the most exhausting, emotional, exhilarating six weeks of my life. All of those cliches about motherhood turned out to be true. I love my daughter more than I ever thought. My heart beats a little faster when I look at her. I can't help but smile when I see her lying in her crib, even at a very early 4 a.m. It's a true testament to God's grace and blessings.

For 40 weeks, I wondered what she would look like, and now, every day I get to look into her sweet, sparkling eyes and perfectly shaped mouth that she got from her papi. Sofi has such a sweet demeanor and is already drinking in every ounce of the world around her. I simultaneously want to slow down time and fast forward to see her crawl and walk and hear her first word and laugh. I know though, that I need to be present in every single moment that I have this sweet girl with me. I need to be intentional about my parenting and ask God to saturate my heart and mind so that Sofía can see God's love through me.

1 Timothy 1:5
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

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